Patient Dog “Loses Her Mind” The Moment The Horses Start Racing On TV

Meet Bella the Wheaten Terrier from Kentucky, whose passion for horse racing rivals that of any human fan. She is devoted to watching races on TV and misses not a single event!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


Bella is a devout worshipper when it comes to horse racing, and the video below captures just that! The moment Bella sees her precious animals lined up for a race on TV, she drops everything and positions herself awfully close to the screen. And the moment the gates finally fly open, she goes into a full-on berserk mode and jumps in the air like a crazed fan!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


Bella can barely contain her wild energy as she barks animatedly and jumps up and down in front of the screen while the horses trot away at top speed. It’s almost as if she has placed a solid bet on her favorite horse and is decidedly rooting for her champion to come out on top!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


We have honestly never seen a single dog as wholeheartedly invested in horse races as Bella! Her unparalleled attention and dynamic reaction to the intricacies of the game are one of the coolest things we’ve ever seen.

Bella is undoubtedly the spirit animal for all the true-blue sports aficionados out there!

Click the video below to watch Bella’s hysterical adrenaline-powered reaction to the horse race on TV!

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