Bella Thinks It’s “Just Another Walk”, Gets Reunited With Her Dad

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that losing a pet is one of the most traumatic experiences imaginable. Because your dog becomes a member of your family, it’s similar to losing a relative.

That is why we think you’re doing to LOVE this story and the video below! Meet Bella, a dog who was lost and then taken out for a walk. But, this was no ordinary walk because she was about to be reunited with her dad.


Image/Story Source Credit: No You via YouTube Video


“Losing Bella was the worst nightmare, it felt like someone punched me in the stomach a million times. She ran away from my dog-sitting friend’s house, while I was in Florida. I, my family and friends looked for her for 3 long days! We put flyers, called every shelter in the area, and activated an amber alert, and I did not get to work 2 days looking for her. She was lost very far away in queens and we live in Manhattan! I had to travel almost 2 hours just to get to where she was lost! But We did not give up till we found her! In the video, you can see Bella’s and I reactions of happiness, joy, and tears! Enjoy!”


Image/Story Source Credit: No You via YouTube Video

Well, we think you know what’s going to happen in the video below… But, we know that you’d rather watch the embrace when these two besties reunite!


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