Bus Driver Brings Lost Dogs Aboard In Attempt To Get Them Home For Christmas

Thanks to MCTS driver Jaime Grabowski, two lost dogs made it back home just in time for Christmas! The Milwaukee bus driver had just finished her route around midnight when she spotted the dogs in the street. She called for them, and they hopped right in the bus!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: RideMCTS via YouTube Video


Jaime called for assistance, and it wasn’t long until a police officer arrived. He took the good boys to the Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal Control Commission that takes in and cares for strays in the area.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: RideMCTS via YouTube Video


It turned out these dogs had gotten out of their family’s yard 2.5 miles away from where they were found! The family had been out searching for their pets all night and were thrilled to have them back safe and sound. The owners and dogs were very grateful for Jaime’s act of kindness that night. ????



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