Bus Driver Takes His Puppy With Him To Work, Saying That He Can’t Leave Him Alone

A man, who works as a bus driver, just does not want to leave his dog alone at home, so, he decides to take him to work with him.

You can see in the video below, that was shared on TikTok, enjoying their trip in a transportation bus when they saw a dog with them on the trip. The dog was next to the driver having fun with the passengers. He even had a pillow to take some rest if he needs.

The video directly went viral getting more than 19k likes, and more than 89k views since it was shared. Many people commented on the video expressing how great the bus driver is to not leave his dog alone at home. While some others thought that it would be a great thing to have a trip with a cute dog! What do you think?! Watch the video below.

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