Narcoleptic Dog Falls Asleep Mid-Birthday Party in Heartwarming Video

narcoleptic dog called Toast has melted hearts all over the internet after a video of him enjoying his birthday celebrations with his family went viral on social media.

The post, shared on TikTok last Thursday under the username Toastthenarcolepticdoodl, shows the goldendoodle celebrating his birthday with his owners, who decorated the room with balloons, making the day special for their pup.

They also made him a bone-shaped pup cake, with cream on top, specially made for dogs, which he took his time to enjoy in between naps.

narcoleptic doodle's birthday party melts hearts
A picture of Toast taking a quick nap next to his birthday cake, which he enjoyed for 20 minutes in between naps. The narcoleptic dog’s birthday party has melted hearts on social media. (Credit: Toastthenarcolepticdoodl)

The heartwarming post comes with a caption that says: “Birthday cake and narcolepsy. Happy 1st birthday toast! He’s very excited about his pup cake. He enjoyed it for over 20 minutes! He struggled a bit, but we are sure he enjoyed every minute. Happy birthday sweet boy! You are so loved.”

According to VCA Animal Hospitals, narcolepsy is a disorder of the nervous system that affects primarily young dogs and cats and is often linked to another neurological disorder called cataplexy, which results in temporary muscle paralysis and loss of reflexes.


“A narcoleptic episode involves sudden collapse and loss of movement. The pet literally falls asleep, often while physically active, then wakes up abruptly and proceeds as if nothing happened. Episodes last a few seconds or several minutes and often occur when the pet is eating, playing, or excited. Neither is a fatal disease, but both merit attention,” the website says.

His owner told Newsweek: “Toast is doing great and we have officially adopted him! Toast is the sweetest boy and we are honored to be celebrating all of his birthdays with him, our hearts are full.”


The video quickly went viral on social media, getting viewers from across TikTok. It has so far received over 45,100 views and 5,000 likes on the platform.


@toastthenarcolepticdoodl #doodle #narcolepsy #specialneeds #narcolepsy #birthday #party #cake #toastthenarcolepticdoodl ♬ Countryside – Andrew Joy


One user, Troy Brooks, commented: “I love that he gets to enjoy it for so long and he’s so happy when he wakes up every time!” And Molly Doodle said: “He goes right back to the task at hand when he wakes up.”

User2336094873092 wrote: “Omg! He was so excited he fell asleep. [love you], Toast! Happy Birthday!” And Tamiko added: “To fall asleep and wake to [birthday] cake for 20min straight is just extending the joy and sounds like a great time!”

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