Chubby Bulldog On Diet Finishes Food, Throws A “Hissy-Fit” When Mom Won’t Give Him More

The Bulldog’s name is Cashew, and he adores food… a little TOO much. So when he’d had his fill of breakfast, he immediately requested more. However, he has no idea that he’s overweight and shouldn’t eat as much as he desires.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RM Video via YouTube Video


His owner swiftly informed him that he just ate, so he was not hungry, but Cashew vehemently disagreed. He complained loudly and went into a full-fledged tantrum. His owner kept repeating to him that dinner would provide more food in the evening, but he plainly did not want to wait that long.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RM Video via YouTube Video


He turns around, faces his human, and begins howling out all kinds of sounds in protest. Toward the end of the video, Cashew’s mom asks him if he’d like a snack instead – such as an ice cube – to which he responded by tilting his head and becoming very quiet. It seems as if he knows just what his mom suggested.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RM Video via YouTube Video


Although Cashew was dissatisfied with his mother, they eventually agreed to compromise and buy ice cream. Cashew will just have to wait until dinnertime for his next meal!

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