Clever Dog Buys Himself Daily Treats Using Leaves As Cash

At the Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare in Colombia, you’ll find Black Lab Negro padding across campus as he keeps an eye out for trouble while stopping to visit with students and faculty. This good boy acts as unofficial security and hound-in-residence for the school in exchange for food, a safe spot to sleep, and all the attention he could ever want! And while on his campus rounds, Negro gets a chance to observe humans as they go about their day.

Being a pup of scholarly pursuits, he’s picked up some interesting information about life, including the fact that people use money to buy cookies at the campus store. And, being a canine of the highest intelligence, it didn’t take long for Negro to figure out how he could “buy” some cookies too!


Clever for Cookies

Watching kids offer cash and then get cookies in exchange, Negro wanted to get some cookies too. But where were the humans getting those flat scraps of paper to pay? A look into the trees and Negro realized money was littering the ground all around him. So, he collected a leaf and headed to the store’s counter. Imagine everyone’s surprise to see Negro there, “cash” in mouth!


Teacher Angela Garcia Bernal told The Dodo, “One day, spontaneous, he appeared with a leaf in his mouth, wagging his tail and letting it be known that he wanted a cookie.”

Negro got his cookie for the leaf and was one hundred percent satisfied with his purchase! And since it worked once, he comes back every day to buy a cookie!

“He comes for cookies every day,” said store attendant Gladys Barreto. “He always pays with a leaf. It is his daily purchase.”


But don’t worry, the staff has special snacks meant just for Negro on hand to help keep him healthy; thetrim because this silly dog likes to make multiple purchases some days. And everyone on campus loves to watch when Negro heads to the store!

“When you first see it, you almost want to cry,” Angela shared. “He’s found a way to make himself understood. He’s very intelligent.”

Photo: The Dodo via Angela Garcia Bernal

Seems the clever pup has a talent for economics and exchange. One can’t help but wonder if Negro will pursue a degree in commerce! Being a Lab, it’s no wonder Negro is so smart, but what other breeds are known for their IQs? Find out which are the Top 21 Smartest Dog Breeds!



Feature Image: A Pena J David/Facebook

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