Kitten trapped in Beirut drain pipe for three days found alive in heartwarming video

Kitten trapped in Beirut drain pipe for three days found alive in heartwarming video

Volunteers from the charity Animals Lebanon worked for days to dislodge the young cat from the pipe and there were calls to name her ‘Beirut’ after the incredible rescue


A terrified tiny kitten has been rescued after spending three days lodged in a drain pipe.

A video shows the cute creature taken to safety after locals heard its desperate meows.


The frightened young cat was hauled to safety in Beirut, Lebanon, has been rescued after being trapped since late last week.

Small cameras we used to bring the kitten out with rescue crews unsure of its exact location.

Volunteers from the charity Animals Lebanon worked for days as crowds grew.

When the animal was finally pulled out, onlookers cheered and applauded.


caption:A kitten in Beirut has been rescued after being trapped in a rain pipe for three days.
Volunteers worked for days to free the frightened feline
Volunteers from the charity Animals Lebanon used small cameras to identify the exact location of the feline, before pulling it out.
Locals cheered as the lengthy rescue was completed

The pint-sized feline was placed into a cage and was swiftly taken away for a medical examination.

One of the people watching the rescue said: “I think we should call her Beirut!”

It came a week after firefighters in Nottinghamshire rescued a tiny eight-week-old kitten after it had also became stuck in a drainpipe.

A kitten in Beirut has been rescued after being trapped in a rain pipe for three days.

The kitten is finally pulled from the drainpipe 


Animals Lebanon)

It was discovered at the Dukeries Complex in Boughton on Tuesday night.

Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service said the kitten was now being looked after by vets.

Describing the rescue as complicated, they believe the had been trapped for a few days.

caption: A kitten in Beirut has been rescued after being trapped in a rain pipe for three days.

The little cat was quickly taken to get medical attention

Watch manager Sean McCallum said: ‘We believe the kitten had been trapped in the drainpipe for a few days, so at only eight weeks old, he’s a lucky little chap.

“Inspector Kate Burris from the RSPCA also attended the incident and provided some much needed TLC, before taking him for veterinary care.

“We hear he’s doing very well!”



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