Man Asks Son What He Wants For Dinner, But Husky Feels She Needs To Chime In

Upon hearing their human sibling, Trevor, pacing around the kitchen, Huskies Mishka and Laika roused from their lounging on the couch. Dad had apparently entered the kitchen to make dinner and he wanted to ask little Trevor if there was anything special he wanted to eat.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Gardea23 channel via YouTube Video


Laika the red-furred Husky is underwhelmed by the dinner conversation. But her doggie sister, Mishka, is intrigued to see Dad and Trevor talking about dinner. Dad notices Mishka’s piqued interest when he proposes to cook potatoes for dinner. So he turns to her and asks her, “Mishka, do you want potatoes?”


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Gardea23 channel via YouTube Video


In a heart-melting moment, the entire family is left stunned as Mishka instantly replies “I want potatoes”! It’s honestly unbelievable to watch the talkative dog matching every syllable of the sentence with accuracy as she lets Dad know about her love for potatoes!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Gardea23 channel via YouTube Video


We have learned that Mishka likes to chime in with her opinion about every household matter like a smart girl. She’s a member of the family in every way and she’s super proud of it! Don’t forget to keep your volumes up as you watch Mishka making her food preferences known to Dad!

Click the video below to watch Mishka perfectly mouthing “I want potatoes” before dinnertime!

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