Cute Baby Meets Her Golden Retriever Puppy For The First Time

There is something magical about a baby and puppy growing up together. They quickly form a sweet bond of friendship that is very special to watch as they begin to grow bigger side-by-side.

It often seems that children and dogs are meant to be best friends. And, these two adorable cuties who are meeting for the first time are no exception. In this video, Amelia is introduced to her new puppy, Buddy, for the very first time.

Little Buddy is sitting in a box when Amelia gets her first glimpse of him. It’s excitement at first glance and Amelia begins to run around the room bursting with happiness at seeing the new puppy for the first time.

Dad soon lets the puppy out of his box and of course, Buddy heads straight for his future best friend. The puppy jumps on her and gives her one of many kisses the two will continue to share for years to come.

Buddy is the cutest puppy and loves all the attention from his new family. He already adores playing with Amelia and chewing on her toys and watching her try to play hide and seek with him.

Soon, Buddy is chasing Amelia around the room while she gets to know what life is like when it’s shared with a new puppy. Sharp little claws, a wagging tail, puppy pounces, and sweet puppy kisses are all part of life now that adorable Buddy has arrived.

Although Amelia doesn’t know it yet, Buddy will one day be her most loyal friend and playmate. The two are sure to share countless adventures and lots of love, and he’ll also be her comfort when she sheds tears.

He’ll be her companion and shadow and will always be up for playtime. He’ll be her confidant, protector, and cuddly nap buddy. Soon, the two littles will be inseparable and sharing all sorts of fun.

Amelia is such a lucky little girl. She will learn a lot with her puppy by her side and life is just better when shared with a dog. We hope you enjoyed their adorable video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.

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