Dad Places Newborn Girl On Floor, Dog “Loses His Mind” And Goes Right For Her

Max, a 3-year-old Golden Retriever was startled when his owner came home with an unfamiliar “looking car seat“. He had no clue that the family had just welcomed their daughter Olivia, who would soon become Max’s baby sister.

The family recorded Max’s first meeting with little Olivia, and it was an incredibly sweet moment for everyone!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: jenniferwyand via YouTube Video


In the video below, we see Max’s adorable reaction as he sees 2-day-old Olivia for the first time. He stares at her in wonder when Dad places the baby carrier on the floor. He quickly picks up on her scent and realizes that she is now a part of his family!

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: jenniferwyand via YouTube Video


When Max saw baby Olivia for the first time, he was ecstatic. He hopped around the room with a wagging tail and hovered near her feet. He even kissed Dad to thank him for bringing her home. What a darling good boy!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: jenniferwyand via YouTube Video


Max’s overflowing affections for Olivia show us that he will be an amazing big brother to her. She is one lucky girl to have him as a furry guardian angel by her side. Dogs are some of the most nurturing and loving creatures!

Click and watch the video below!

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