Dad Poured Food For His Puppy And He Won’t Eat Without Their Prayer Routine

Some things that all puppies have in common are: they eat, sleep, play, and go potty. Kahlua, the Labrador Retriever puppy, is a little different from other small dogs her age. Her father has taught her an amazing routine before each meal since she was a puppy.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Chris Credendino via YouTube Video


Some puppies have no self-control when it comes to meals. They are learning manners and to be patient, after all. Kahlua not only watches her dad pour her food and waits patiently, but then she engages in the most adorable behavior.

Her dad says aloud, “Let’s pray.” In a split second, Kahlua joins her dad in prayer! The cute pup lays down, closes her eyes, and actually seems to listen as her dad recites a pre-dinner prayer.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Chris Credendino via YouTube Video


Once the prayer is done, her dad says “Amen,” and Kahula gets up to eat. We can’t even handle how charming this entire video is, so you must see it for yourself.

Press play below and watch this mannerly puppy in action.

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