Deaf-Dog ‘Longing’ For His Dad Waits At Front Door During Entire Deployment

If you read and watch one story, make it this one – it’s so heartwarming!





Routine is a part of everyday life. Some monotonous activities are more significant than others. Especially when we get home after a long, stressful day at work and are greeted by our favorite feline companions with wagging tails and sloppy smooches. Nothing says “Welcome Home!” like a wagging tail and some sloppy kisses.







This is not a typical story. This dog didn’t wait 8 hours for his own homecoming. His father, a member of the Oregon National Guard, is his favorite person. Training is difficult, and our national guardsmen and women work hard to be ready for almost anything. Cotton, this wonderful deaf Pit Bull named Cotton, understands that Dad has to go away but that he always comes back home.


However, anticipating dad’s return may be painful. Cotton can’t hear a vehicle approach, so he watches outside the house every day, waiting for his closest friend to return to him.







His adorable face appears around the hanging cloth as if he was peeking out from behind a window in the corner of a door. As soon as Dad approaches the porch steps, he pounces. Christmas morning has arrived! His body says it all. This dog is one happy camper who just loves to give love.


As you can see, the DOOR is just about to OPEN! Well, you’re going to enjoy watching what happens when it does in the video below.


Watch the video below and please ‘SHARE’ with a friend or family member!


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