Dog Trapped In River Is Hanging On For Life When A Sea Creature Shows Up

A Tampa resident discovered that her dog had escaped through the fence in her yard. And when she looked over across the street, she saw a police officer in the water assisting an animal. It appeared to be so.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ABC Action News via YouTube Video


The mother was relieved to find that it was her 8-month-old dog being rescued by the police officer. The poor thing had been trapped in the Hillsborough River for who knows how long, clinging on for dear life. But the pooch was never alone.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ABC Action News via YouTube Video


The police officer witnessed a sea creature in the water near the dog. It was a manatee, who stayed by the dog’s side until he could be rescued, that assisted him.

It must have soothed and reassured the dog while making sure he didn’t slip and fall into the water. The surprising turn of events made for an unforgettable moment for both woman and officer!


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