Family Dog Interrupts Mom While Taking Her Shower, Ends Up Saving Her Baby’s Life

Papillon, a 2-year-old collie, was adopted by Ron and Mindi Wynne from a local shelter. They fell in love with him from the first time they saw him, and did whatever they could to take him directly with them.

But after getting home, they were surprised by his behavior as he started causing many troubles, which was very hard for Ron and Mindi to bear! He started chewing up furniture very badly!

“He was really becoming a terror, and we thought it might have been jealousy from the baby,” Mindi said.

The couple said that Papillon have been jealous from their 5-week-old baby, that’s why he became a terror! But one day, they changed everything they thought about him!

The dog started barking loudly on the door of the bathroom, while her mama was taking a quick shower! Mindi tried to ignore his sound and just focused on finishing the shower!

Then, the dog did not stop, and he even tried to break the door and raise his barks’ sound! That’s when she knew that something wrong happened! So, she left the bathroom to know what was wrong.

When she got out, Papillon led her to Rachel’s room! The dog then started putting his paws on Mindi’s daughter’s crib! She directly went to check on her daughter and saw that her daughter’s lips were blue!

She then called the ambulance, and performed CPR on Rachel as she was a trained medic. Miraculously, the baby started breathing again! At the hospital, doctors found that Rachel had some food get lodged in her throat due to a weak muscle between her esophagus and stomach.

This incident changed the way the couple look at Papillon, and knew that he is the right pet for them. Watch the video below.

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