Firefighters Saves The Life Of An Unconscious Cat Using A Special Pet Oxygen Mask

The New Orleans Fire Department found an orange tabby cat near a residential building that was caught on fire. The firefighters used an oxygen mask that was made specifically for pets to revive the poor cat.

Fortunately, no one got hurt during the incident as the local authorities evacuated 15 inhabitants. The firefighters also found 2 kittens stuck in a flat, so, they took them to the street and gave them oxygen masks.

You can see in the video below the great work of the rescuers as they were all in hurry to save the animals. Many firefighters pumped oxygen into a kitten’s mouth after stroking its neck and belly. It was also given some water from a firefighter’s hand.

Thankfully, both cats were safe and healthy thanks to the great effort of the firefighters. It is still unknown if they reunited with their owner yet, but what is sure is that the owners will be very happy to see their kittens again. Watch the video below.

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