Woman Woke Up In The Middle Of The Night To A ‘Mysterious’ Dog In Bedroom

Waking up in the middle of the night to a strange sound is something that everyone experiences. It’s possible it’s a cat outside or someone else in the house who wants a drink. Things that go bump in the night became all too real for one woman in Oklahoma.


Image/Story Source Credit: CBS 17 via YouTube Video



It was not her dog or a family member rummaging around. It was, however, a coyote that had gotten trapped in her room. ????


Image/Story Source Credit: CBS 17 via YouTube Video


The woman told CBS17:

“I woke up and the cat and the coyote came running into my room. It was still dark.”


Image/Story Source Credit: CBS 17 via YouTube Video



Her screaming alerted the entire household, who refused to allow the coyote out of their bedroom until the police arrived. It is thought that a wild animal managed to get in through the home’s backdoor. Apparently, the door was not locked properly, so the coyote charged at it in an attempt to open it.



Image/Story Source Credit: CBS 17 via YouTube Video



Police captured the coyote with catcher poles, carried it outside, and let it go. There were no injuries, but a number of people were on edge that evening.


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