Fortunate Rescue: Compassionate Man Saves Abandoned Puppy from Sweltering Highway. WW

Abandoned Puppy Rescued on Highway Finds a New Home

A heartwarming incident unfolded on Saturday near Wamego as a puppy, left abandoned, was discovered on a bustling highway. Thanks to the compassion of a kind man, this fortunate canine has now found a loving home.

During their journey to Manhattan, employees from Coleman Electric noticed a puppy confined in a car carrier. Determined to rescue the helpless pup, Matt McMillan and Steve McLean collaborated with the truck drivers to halt the double-decker truck and secure the dog’s safety.

Following the rescue, McMillan took charge of caring for the puppy at the job site. The adorable four-month-old pup, named Karmel, is a delightful mix of retriever and Labrador.

“Since we found her, she’s been the sweetest puppy, always sitting at our feet,” McMillan shared. “She seemed to need some rest and nourishment, as she had slept most of the previous two days.”

After the rescue, McMillan felt an instant connection with Karmel, especially after experiencing the recent loss of one of his own dogs. Recognizing their bond, he couldn’t imagine parting ways with her.

On Tuesday, McMillan took the initiative to get Karmel microchipped. However, when the original owners were contacted, they expressed no desire to reclaim the puppy. Initially, the dog had been adopted from a shelter in Manhattan.

This heartwarming tale highlights the resilience of abandoned animals and the profound impact a compassionate act can have on their lives. Karmel’s journey from a precarious existence on the highway to a forever home is a testament to the power of kindness and love.

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