Couple Builds Giant Bed So All 8 Of Their Rescue Dogs Can Sleep With Them

We love our dogs like family, so why not give them the best of everything—including a cozy bed to sleep on? In fact, research shows that women actually sleep better next to dogs than they do next to humans!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Good Morning America via YouTube Video


If you have multiple dogs, it may be difficult to sleep next to all of your pups since your bed only allows for so much room. For Chris and Mariesa Hughes, sleeping comfortably became a struggle because they slept with not just one dog, but eight rescue dogs!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Good Morning America via YouTube Video


They figured out how to make it work for all of their beloved dogs without them being kicked off the bed every night, so they had a brilliant concept.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Good Morning America via YouTube Video


The couple from Clifton Park, New York hired Mike Ford, a furniture maker who loves dogs, to construct the “mega-bed.” This bed was enormous and took six months to build. It has two mattresses combined which makes it even bigger.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Good Morning America via YouTube Video


The bed has a king-size mattress on top with a full-size mattress sideways below it. The headboard is six feet tall and has cute hand-carved paw prints. The bed also has side drawers and built-in stairs to help the older dogs get onto it.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Good Morning America via YouTube Video


The Hughes’ are founders of “The Mr. Mo Project,” a non-profit that helps place elderly and sick shelter dogs into loving homes. Such wonderful people – keep up the AMAZING work!

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