Not One Person Wants ‘Bonded-Pair’ That “Fell In Love” After Car Wreck

Takis, an amazing animal rescuer located in Greece, is battling a heart-wrenching epidemic. A few years ago, Greece was doing well economically but then crashed suddenly, leaving many people homeless. Now animals are struggling to stay alive too.

The story I am about to share with you is one of hope and never giving up. But more than anything, it is a story of love!

There was once a dog, called Piou, who got hit by a car and as result, his spine was broken leaving him paralyzed. When he arrived at the rescue center he had no movability in any part of his body but through the combined efforts of Takis and the medical staff, they worked tirelessly to help this deserving dog regain movement in his legs again. Soon he was at least able to sit up.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

Takis received another call a few days later about another dog–this one hit by a car and missing one of its back legs. Takis took Tsiou to the same medical center and decided to put her in the kennel with Piou. Their immediate connection was more than just friendship; it was as if they had known each other forever.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


The two dogs became very close as if they were always meant to be. In fact, any time Takis or any of the vet staff try to separate the animals, even for just a moment, they’d run back to each other. They can’t stand being apart!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Soon Takis put the dogs’ info on his social media page and applications came pouring in to adopt Tsiou. Even with three legs, she’s very agile and would make an ‘easier’ addition to the family compared to Piou.

Since Piou now needs a wheelchair to get around, he’s not so easy to place. People are intimidated by his handicap and whether they can handle carrying him around and learning how to strap him into his wheelchair properly.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Takis knows that these two dogs must be adopted by the same family; since they love each other so much, separating them would only inflict pain. Ideally, he would like a home without stairs for Piou since he has trouble getting around.


Click to watch this HEARTWARMING video below – these two dogs deserve a happily ever after, together! 

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