Heartbreaking hours to rescue a dog stuck at a high voltage pole made everyone worried.p

In a heart-stopping ordeal that gripped the attention of onlookers and concerned citizens alike, a courageous team of rescuers spent more than five hours battling against the odds to save a distressed dog stuck perilously atop a high voltage pole. The nerve-wracking rescue mission left everyone involved on edge, holding their breath and praying for a safe outcome.

The dramatic events unfolded when a small dog, later named Lucky, managed to find its way up the towering structure, seemingly driven by fear or confusion. Perched precariously on the high voltage pole, Lucky’s predicament sent shockwaves through the community as news of the trapped canine spread rapidly.

Chú chó Husky leo lên trụ điện "ngồi hóng gió" khiến chủ nhân dở khóc dở  cười - Tin360

The authorities were alerted immediately, and a team of skilled rescuers swiftly assembled at the scene. Their primary concern was not only for Lucky’s safety but also the potential danger posed by the proximity to high voltage power lines. The situation required careful planning and meticulous execution to ensure the well-being of both the dog and the rescuers.

Trèo lên đỉnh cột điện, chú chó khiến khổ chủ phải 'khóc thét' mỗi khi  'giải cứu'

As the rescue operation commenced, tension filled the air. With utmost caution, a brave rescuer ascended a nearby ladder, inching closer to Lucky, who appeared visibly terrified. The team coordinated their efforts, devising a strategy to coax Lucky down from the perilous height.

However, Lucky’s fear proved to be a formidable obstacle. Each time the rescuer approached, the dog retreated further up the pole, making the already daunting task even more challenging. Time seemed to stand still as the rescue team pondered their next move, their determination unwavering despite the mounting difficulty.

Trèo lên đỉnh cột điện, chú chó khiến khổ chủ phải 'khóc thét' mỗi khi  'giải cứu'

After several failed attempts, the rescuers realized that a different approach was necessary. They opted to create a safe and inviting space near the base of the pole, hoping that Lucky would eventually make its way down. A soft bed, food, and water were arranged, providing a sense of comfort and encouragement for the stranded dog.

As the sun began to set, anxiety heightened among the onlookers. Darkness added an extra layer of complexity to the already arduous task at hand. But the rescuers were unwavering in their commitment, equipped with floodlights and a renewed sense of determination.


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