The Man Who Lives With A Giant Wolf , Plays With Him Like A Puppy

There are 2 types of people who love dogs, the first one is the people who love large dogs which is somehow very rare, and the second one is the people who love small dogs who can be in apartments.

But this story is one of the rarest stories as one man called Andrey Musienko loves big dogs and he has one of them.

Actually, the man does not have a big dog but he has a big wolf called Akela! Musienko shares his life with Akela and treats him as a pet Musienko and Akela do almost everything together like playing, sleeping, and even relaxing!

Despite the fact that wolves are dangerous animals but Andrey said that his wolf is not a danger to him as he has raised him since he was young.

Andrey believes that wolves like Akela deserve an appropriate environment to live in, so he has started a fundraiser to build it.

Andrey shares photos and videos on social media especially on Instagram and YouTube on his account “Black Canadian Wolf”, and many people commented on them expressing how surprised they are. What do you think?! Watch the video below.

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