Her Fear Was So Deep, She’d Hide Herself And Hope To Disappear

Every rescue has a unique place in all of our hearts. Meet Senna, the Pit Bull.

Senna’s story is extremely moving, to say the least. The Everglades Rescue had heard about a Pit Bull walking the streets who was terrified of humans. Weeks passed as the search party looked for “Senna,” named after the dog they believed he might be feeling trapped in his own home. One of the searchers set a humane trap where she was last seen on a rainy day.

It took a while for Senna to investigate the cage but by the grace of God, she made her way over and then inside.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


The rescuers could see that Senna was not a usual ‘fearful’ dog as soon as they carried her cage into the car. Senna’s case was extreme. It appeared that she either never had human contact before or her experience had been so frightening that she shut down completely.

When they got back to the rescue center, she lay on her bed like a statue and wouldn’t make eye contact or stand up. In fact, she didn’t move at all.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


The caregivers would have to lift her and carry her outside in order for her to use the toilet. She’d go to the bathroom and then lie right back down.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Senna’s caregivers were motivated to pay her extra attention after this. She definitely needed it, and that is fine. This was not her fault. Her fear had utterly turned her inside out. She didn’t seem angry, but she didn’t appear to be feeling anything else either.

Senna was grateful for the affection she was receiving, but with each passing day, she became more certain that she had found a safe haven amid people who adored her. A frightened dog needed to have faith in order to mature.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Senna gradually began to stand up and explore her surroundings when she was carried outside. She didn’t move much at first, just taking a few steps here and there. But this was ‘progress’. Slowly but surely, she started venturing further out into the yard, exploring her new environment.

Senna always walked slowly and cautiously but those steps meant everything to us. Seeing her finally find a place to lounge in the sun after all that time was especially rewarding!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


Senna’s caregiver would sleep in her bed with her when she was resting. For the first time, Senna turned to her and gazed into her eyes. It was wonderful! But then true enchanting began! Senna gave her a kiss!!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: TheDodo via YouTube Video


We aren’t sure what caused Senna to be so afraid, but we do know that she is improving. Her future appears promising, and she’s now safe and loved!

Click to watch Senna’s video below for a more intimate glimpse into her life and rescue. It’s really moving! Thank you to The Dodo for spreading the news of Senna’s story!

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