Hungry Stray Dog Collects Garbage From Streets Then Exchanges It For Food

Jony Gudiño shared online a story of a stray dog, who used to come to a store to exchange garbage for food. Actually, when you need anything, you try to do what they can to get it, and it is just the same for this dog.

It seemed that Yamel, the dog, realized that people give money to get what they want. So, the dog decided to do the same thing with her own money! After getting food in return of a piece of cardboard, Yamel started coming every day to the same store with different things like dry tree leaves, paper, and plastic to get what he wanted.

Gudiño created a great friendship with the dog, and he started documenting his visits on videos and shared the on TikTok. Many people commented on the video asking the man to adopt the dog if he had the ability.

And that’s what finally happened as Gudiño decided to adopt Yamel to give him a forever home. They are now having a great, happy life together. What a happy ending! Watch the video below.

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