Kind Man Decided To Build A Train For Rescue Dogs

When this 86-year-old retiree moved to the outskirts of Fort Worth, Texas, several shady owners made covert visits to dump their unwanted dogs. So he turned his 13-acre home into a safe haven for these frightened and abandoned canines. These animals grew to become his family over time, and one of the main causes of his retirement was pleasant!

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Bev Channel via YouTube Video


It was Eugene’s Dogs that led him to the quirky idea of a doggie train. noticing his dogs were always happiest when they were together, he got to work. A skilled welder, he punched holes in plastic barrels and attached wheels before hooking them up to a mini tractor – giving his dogs the ride of their lives!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Bev Channel via YouTube Video


The local dogs have taken a liking to Eugene and his train. Their fatherly figure takes them on lengthy rides twice a week, during which they go wild with excitement!

Each time they board the train, they become tail-wagging pups with gleaming eyes while Eugene whisks them away through the woods and secluded parts of town. The most joyful sounds and sights to them are when they smell the air and feel the sunshine! They smile with the biggest smiles as they observe life go by around them!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Bev Channel via YouTube Video


Eugene finds true happiness and meaning in his life by rescuing these dogs, and every now and then, more show up in the abandoned area. Not only does Eugene take them into his home, but he also makes sure there’s enough room for everyone on the train by adding another barrel car!

Click the video below to watch Eugene’s heartwarming story and his dreamy dog train ride with his furry family.

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