Mom Asks Dogs Who Pooped In The Kitchen, One Pup Didn’t Hesitate To Snitch On The Other

Dogs always exceed our expectations. Their unwavering loyalty, patience, and intelligence amaze us every day. They’re seriously the best. But they continue to surprise us nonetheless.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Sam Channel via YouTube Video


This mother returned home to find that one of her dogs had an accident in the kitchen. She didn’t know which dog was responsible, so she asked them both “Girls, who pooped in the kitchen?” Instead of the big puppy eyes staring back at her that she expected, one of the dogs sitting before her had something else in mind.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Sam Channel via YouTube Video


Just like children who tattletale on each other, one of her dogs was quick to point the “finger.” She placed her paw on her sister so she would take the blame. It is rumored that it was actually the snitch who committed the heinous crime in the first place!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Sam Channel via YouTube Video


You’re going to LOVE the reaction in the video below. Click to watch these two cuties!


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