Man Catches His Dog On Camera Having Fun In The Kiddie Pool

On a hot summer day, there is nothing better than jumping into the pool. It isn’t just humans who enjoy it; animals are also enamored with it!

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


Teal is a Black Labrador who loves romping around and being silly. But when the temperature outside starts to rise, she needs to take precautions just like humans do. To help her stay cool, her parents buy her a kiddie pool so she can jump in and play with water – something Labradors love by instinct. Little did they know Teal would end up loving the pool so much that it becomes part of her daily routine!

She’s so caught up in the moment that she forgets everything else and has a great time playing in the water with her front paws. She swims around like it’s her personal pool. It reminds me of watching a kid enjoy their first time in a pool.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: ViralHog via YouTube Video


Her dad filmed her because he believes she loves her pool so much that he wanted to share the experience with the world! We want to thank Dad for getting her the pool and for filming her! It’s fantastic!

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