Man who spent record 100 days underwater claims it de-aged him 20 years and gives proof

A man who spent a record 100 days underwater claims the experience de-aged him and even share some proof.

In 2023, Dr Joseph Dituri challenged himself to spend 100 days in a habitat located 30 feet under a Florida lagoon.

It wasn’t just a bit of fun for Dr Dituri though, as he monitored how his body would react to long-term extreme pressure and even discovered a ‘brand news species’ while doing so.

During this time, the scientist and former naval officer stayed in a small 9m by 9m room that he had to scuba dive to get to.

Dr Dituri’s goal was to research a type of medicine that can help deliver oxygen to the human body under high pressures by helping it to grow new blood vessels.

When the scientist was not recording his body’s reaction to the extreme pressure of living underwater, he was teaching school kids through video link on his laptop.

Dr Dituri was also closely monitored by medical, psychological, and psychosocial experts.

Dr Joseph Dituri lived underwater for 100 days. Credit: YouTube/Dr Deep Sea
Dr Joseph Dituri lived underwater for 100 days. Credit: YouTube/Dr Deep Sea

A press release from last year added: “Part of the work will see a psychologist and a psychiatrist monitor the effects he experiences while in an environment similar to extended space travel.

“It’s an isolating confined extreme environment. And and as humans, we really need to figure out how we’re going to be living in that (environment) if we’re going to expand our planet, if we’re going to go interplanetary, if we’re going to find all the cures that we need to find.”

When he emerged from his underwater mission last June, Dr Dituri claimed that blood tests showed a 50-percent reduction in every inflammatory marker in his body.

He claimed a lot of areas of his health improved following the 100-day mission, including longer telomeres – structures on chromosomes that are often linked to extending life.

He claims he's de-aged 20 years. Credit:  Instagram/@drdeepsea
He claims he’s de-aged 20 years. Credit: Instagram/@drdeepsea

Speaking to reporters at WKMG News in Orlando recently, Dr Dituri said: “I’m 56 now. My extrinsic [biological] age was 44. When I got out of the water, my extrinsic age was 34.

“So, my telomeres lengthened. I actually got younger when I was under the water.”

Dr Dituri claims that his telomeres are not as long as they were when he first came out in June, but they are longer than they were before he embarked on his research.

He also believes his phenomenal ‘age reversal’ was caused by living in a high-pressure or ‘hyperbaric’ environment.



16 and Pregnant star Sean Garinger has died aged 20 after ATV accident

16 and Pregnant star Sean Garinger has died aged 20 after ATV accident

16 and Pregnant star Sean Garinger has died aged 20 after an ATV accident in North Carolina.

The US Sun reports the former MTV star died in the horrific accident in Boone.

He died on 28 February.

His mother, Mary Hobbs, confirmed the tragic news in a statement provided to the Sun.

“He was just moving [the ATV] from one parking spot to the next for me, so I could back into park,” she said.

“He pulled [in] front of me to park the ATV and the ground gave way from all the rain and mud.”

Sean in series six of 16 and Pregnant. Credit: YouTube/Teen Mom
Sean in series six of 16 and Pregnant. Credit: YouTube/Teen Mom

Sean suffered severe head injuries after the ATV flipped over, according to his mother.

She recalled: “I ran to neighbors trying to get someone to help me get the ATV off of him. No one answered. I ran back to him.

“By that time, I realized he wasn’t alive anymore.”

The grieving mom went on to say she ‘laid next to her son until an ambulance arrived at the scene’.

Hobbs added: “There was a huge part of my heart that died with my son on Wednesday.

“He was my only son, my rock, my strength when I had none left. We loved spontaneously jumping in the car for a road trip or a beach sesh. We bonded over music, fast cars and shooting guns and taking new adventures.

“Sean brightened my world in a way no one else could ever come close to. He was my baby boy, my squishy, my heartbeat.”

Watauga County Sheriff’s Office Major Kelly Redmon told the Watauga Democrat that Sean had been identified as the victim after the Watauga Medics, the Boone Fire Department, and the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office responded to the fatal incident.

“Our hearts are heavy with sorrow for the loss experienced by the family and loved ones of the victim,” the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement provided to local media.

Sean tragically died last month. Credit: Instagram/Teen Mom
Sean tragically died last month. Credit: Instagram/Teen Mom

Sean’s obituary read: “He never knew a stranger, regardless of age, and was always willing to lend a helping hand. His kind and generous nature endeared him to all who knew him.

“Sean had a passion for living life to the fullest. He enjoyed driving RC cars, sky diving, shark diving, dirt bikes, flying his drone, driving ATVs, surfing, and spending time in the ocean.

“His adventurous spirit and love for excitement were evident in all aspects of his life.”

The 16 and Pregnant star leaves behind his daughters, Dareli, three, and Esmi, one – who he shared with ex Selena Gutierrez.

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