Hungry Dog Rests His Head on a Chair in a Restaurant; Waiting for Food to Be Given to Him

Unfortunately, alone and hungry dogs are clogging up the streets of our cities. These creatures require a safe place to live in addition to the necessities of a typical canine. In this case, feeding a dog is a kind gesture that will be recognized in the story that follows.

In a post titled: Exactly what Twitter user @SuavesLomitos sought to demonstrate and share with their followers.


How embarrassing it is to be hungry and unable to express it

The article received hundreds of reviews and more than 4,000 retweets, quickly becoming popular.

Even if it is not an easy task for them, it is crucial that we comprehend the signals that stray animals try to send to us. On the other hand, even the hardest of hearts cannot avoid seeing the sight of a starving stray dog.

Poor, starving dog waited around restaurant tables to “beg” for a scrap of food, resting his head on each chair whose table had diners to see if anybody would throw him some of their leftovers. This is depicted in the Tweet post.


The person who told this story at the time was a customer who had become upset about the behavior of several other patrons who had refused to share their limited leftovers with the starving dog.


The article captured the attention of internet users, and many of them left comments, indicating that they were moved by the starving dog’s modest demeanor.


One user remarked, “How dreadful it is to have five senses and not be able to perceive,” criticizing the prevalent ignorance.

A different online user, however, took the initiative to suggest that people always bring a bag of croquettes with them so that they do not go hungry wherever they go in these circumstances. They might also be able to feed any leftovers to a hungry creature, whether it be human or not.


“Having a bag of croquettes on hand is an excellent idea.” Even a little love and some food would be wonderful, one Twitter user wrote, “I know it would be preferable to rescue them or take them to a shelter, but when circumstances are restricted, like in my scenario.”


Even a woman who recognized the small dog claimed to have been by his side and to have bought him tacos each time he saw her. Without a doubt, that generosity prevents these homeless people from going hungry. It needs to be given top importance.


It’s crucial to remember that, even while giving a starving stray dog food is a lovely gesture, it should be done in any case.



The dog hasn’t eaten in a while, thus his stomach might not be up to a heavy meal or a specific food. To prevent him from further deteriorating, it is essential to understand how to take care of him. Take a look at our furry friend; his ribs unmistakably show signs of hunger.

Spread the word about this tale. We’re hoping we can help someone adopt him, give him the love he needs, and do more for him than just feed him.

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1 thought on “Hungry Dog Rests His Head on a Chair in a Restaurant; Waiting for Food to Be Given to Him

  1. There is no such thing as a stray dog, these are dogs abandoned by their owners–it is a crime but worse than a crime, it is taking a loving, trusting companion and one that has no power to buy food and get water or be warm in winter and cool in summer or clean itself or seek medical help or even know how to cross a street without getting hit and maimed or killed. We get dogs for companionship, for watching our property, loving our children, some as guide dogs, some as hearing dogs, many reasons that we need them and there are many reason they need us. They do not fail us but we fail them big time and these are the starving dogs you might see, begging in their quiet way for food to eat to keep them alive. To me, it is like leaving your child on the street alone, your child needs and loves you as does your pet dog. It defies imagination that a decent human could abandon their pet dog, but sadly, they do and I implore you to at the least, feed them and if possible, get them to safety of a shelter and one that makes every effort to take care of them until they get adopted and not killed after 3 days.

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