New Puppy Thanks Dad For Choosing Him Then Drifts Off To Sleep

There’s nothing more precious than a puppy! Sure, they can be a whole lot of work, but their unwavering loyalty pays us back in spades.

A puppy’s first night can be challenging and overwhelming. For any pup in a new home, his surroundings can be intimidating. That is why it is our job, as new parents, to acclimate our little angels by making them feel safe and loved.

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One little fella was adopted into a loving family. The tiny puppy can be seen sitting next to Dad on the sofa. He’s not quite sure what to make of his new home. But one thing he knows for certain is that this human beside him is a stellar guy. He did choose him, after all. The puppy is sleepy and wants nothing more than to snuggle with his new father.

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The puppy worms his way closer to Dad. He knows if he drifts off, this is the perfect spot. He rests his tiny head on Dad’s shoulder then appears to be whispering into his ear. The puppy gets comfy and before long, it’s snooze-ville. His puppy sweetness is off the charts! Dad plays it cool but you know he’s absolutely bursting with love.

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