Uneasy Woman Knelt Down Near Growling Pit Bull, Readied Herself To Open Door

There is never a justification to leave an animal behind, yet it happens too often. A white Pit Bull was reported coming in and out of a rundown home in a crime-ridden neighborhood. The residence was on its last legs, but the dog would not leave the one place where she felt secure. Stray Rescue of St. Louis was called to check out the situation.


Image/Story Source Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis (Official) via YouTube Video



As they ascended the stairs and entered a rear chamber, they heard a low rumble. There she was! The poor dog was terrified as he lay on the ground. Her growling indicated, “Please don’t come any closer to me. I’m afraid.” The seasoned rescuers were aware of this and gave her some room.



Image/Story Source Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis (Official) via YouTube Video



They backed off and left a trail of sausages hoping the dog would follow them. They set up a humane trap across the street and waited. The lovely white dog finally emerged, starving and unable to resist the food lure. She entered the trap after following it.



Image/Story Source Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis (Official) via YouTube Video



The rescuers were simply waiting for the door to shut. They recognized that it was not ideal, and she would be frightened, but saving her life was their first concern. The dog’s low grumbles continued. But the reason was clear to them.



Image/Story Source Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis (Official) via YouTube Video



One of the rescuers knelt down and told the dog, whom they later name Malala, that it was going to be okay. She didn’t quite believe them yet and continued to growl. Now they had to carry the cage into their jeep and get Malala to the rescuer center.



Image/Story Source Credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis (Official) via YouTube Video


After she’s in their care, something truly amazing happens. The dog that had been so elusive and kept growling does something that shocks her new human companions. You can’t miss it – thanks to the video below you don’t have to! Thank you to Malala’s rescuers.


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