Owner Dumps Dog In Blazing Desert Heat, She Collapses Just As Rescuers Get Near

Venus, a year-old German Shepherd with white fur was abandoned by her owner in a large part of the desert close to the freeway.

For several days, Venus stayed hydrated by sitting in a small puddle of water to protect herself from the nonstop 100F heat waves. Thankfully, someone spotted her hardships and contacted “Hope For Paws” for rescue services.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


When the rescuers arrived at the freeway to retrieve a starving Venus, they immediately realized that she was scared of strangers.

To prevent any road mishap, the rescuers waited all day and tried to find a way to get her trust. But after failing, they were forced to use a tranquilizer dart to get her out of the desert safely.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video


The rescuers took Venus to a mobile vet unit when they realized it was too late to return her to the shelter. They gave her emergency medical aid, and she woke up terrified.

However, by morning she had warmed up to her rescuer! Later that same day, Venus was taken to the shelter where she received a needed bath.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Hope For Paws via YouTube Video



This video was made to honor Venus’ survival story and help her find a forever home. Thanks to this effort by Hope For Paws, Venus soon found a family that fell in love with her. Today, she is thriving in her forever home and living the best life as a pampered and goofy pooch!

Click the video below to watch Venus’ tense rescue mission and her beautiful transformation.

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