Grizzly Bear Melts Hearts Of Millions While Guiding Her Group Of Cubs Across Road

A mamma bear and her 4 cubs were seen by tourists in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, crossing a road.

According to the park’s website grizzly bears and Black bears thrive in the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway and Grand Teton National Park. Luckily for us, the entire incident was recorded on camera. It is also written in the website that if bears hear approaching, they’ll usually move out of the way.


But seeing such an incident let the tourists record it as they knew that it rarely happened. You can see in the video below, that was taken by one of the tourists, the mamma bear crossing the grassy hill toward the read.

You can also see that everyone stopped their vehicles and started recording what they saw. It is obvious that the 4 cubs are well-taught what to do as they stayed very close to their mamma. Watch the video below.

Momma bear & four tiny cubs adorably cross the road in the Smoky Mountains |




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