Pit Bull Enchants Audience With A Powerful Rendition Of Whitney Houston Song

Mick and Daphnee discovered Lady Xena’s true passion when, at 12 weeks old, their Pit Bull started howling along to a song on the radio. With help from her parents for training, over time Lady Xena grew more musically talented.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: VTM via YouTube Video


Not long after she started playing for herself, Lady Xena began performing for other people. In the video below, we see her audition for “Belgium’s Got Talent”. She does a great job with Whitney Houston’s classic song “I Will Always Love You.”

Lady Xena effortlessly carries the tune of her favorite song as she gazes out over the audience. The music playing in the background ebbs and flows with Lady Xena’s gentle voice, adding a new layer of emotion to an already heart-wrenching ballad!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: VTM via YouTube Video

Lady Xena’s performance is so adorable and entrancing that both the judges and the audience can’t help but smile throughout. Every note is hit perfectly, with each one filled with emotion. This is an amazing find!

We have played it nonstop since we discovered it. Somebody needs to get her a record deal stat! ???? Click and watch the video below!


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