Depressed Dog Waits For Owners To Return, Toddler BFF Provides ‘Cutest’ Comfort

Dogs are naturally inclined to live in packs, so when their beloved guardians venture away without them, it can be a difficult and confusing experience for our four-legged companions. It’s no wonder people often feel guilty leaving behind their furry best friends as the pup has no concept of when they will return home.

When Burt, the Labrador Retriever, was left behind by his owners who had gone on a trip, he felt desolate and abandoned. His human brother Jack sensed this anguish and compassionately decided to give him comfort.

Source (Screenshot) credit: MrJackFantastic via YouTube


Burt was sitting near the entrance, watching intently as he waited for his family to return. Suddenly, the compassionate toddler Jack toddled over with an empathetic embrace that gave solace and comfort. These two were the best of friends!


Source (Screenshot) credit: MrJackFantastic via YouTube


As Burt peers out the window, there stands a sweet toddler looking as if they are both awaiting their parents’ return. You’ll LOVE this video and these two best of friends below!


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