Pit Bull On Roof So “Overjoyed” To See First-Responder That He Knocks Officer Down

Every day, emergency calls come in. A call may be received from a cat trapped in a tree, but one from a dog on a rooftop is also possible. That’s unusual enough! Hearing about a Pit Bull on the roof was too strange for these hardworking, dog-loving animal cops, but of course, they went to investigate. And there he was.


Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



A loyal and confused Pit Bull was stuck on a rooftop, wagging his tale as the animal officers arrived. They looked all around but could not figure out how he managed to climb up there. It was bizarre and they had no idea how to get him down.



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



Once the narrating officer in the video, Andy, managed to get up to the top of the roof, the dog went bananas. He was so happy to know he wasn’t alone. Now they had to figure out how to lower him down.

With some ingenuity, the pup was lowered to the ground with a rope. It was obvious that the dog was already smitten with Andy. He thanks him over and over with tail wags and kisses.



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



The grateful dog then races towards the female officer to thank her too. Still, they could not figure out how this stray Pit Bull ended up where he was. He also didn’t belong to the family that lived in the house.



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



The story, understandably, made the news. A woman who tuned it assumed that the 9-month-old pup would be adopted immediately. But she still called a few days later anyway to check. To her delight, the adorable Pit was still waiting for a home. She drove over and adopted him immediately. She named the handsome brindle, Khan.



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



Khan’s mom describes him as a perfect gentleman when he wants to be. Especially during his early days, the sweet dog was on his best behavior. It was as if he knew he had to impress his new mom or she wouldn’t keep him. That was far from the truth. Now, she says, he rules the house.

Khan gets so revved up when he’s happy that his mom calls him a wiggling noodle. He loves to pick up giant sticks and take them with him as they go for daily walks.



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



His mom also says that he’s exactly what she’s ever needed: a calming force when she needs comforting and a goofball when she needs cheering up. To say they’re a match made in heaven is an understatement!



Image/Story Source Credit: TheDodo iva YouTube Video



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