Tattooed Biker Gang Takes Down Dog Fighting Rings And Save Hundreds Of Helpless Dogs

Rescue Ink, a non-profit animal rights organization, might give you a false sense of security. These muscular, tattooed men on bikes appear ready to start a brawl, except their battle is against bad pet owners!


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RescueInk Videos Channel via YouTube Video


Superheroes come in all shapes and sizes, and these big men are no different. They hail from a variety of backgrounds – from ex-bodybuilders and powerlifting champions to military men, detectives, and lawyers. Like superheroes, they keep a vigilant eye out for any signs of animal abuse. Their body of work includes dismantling dog-fighting rings, confronting monstrous animal abusers, and rescuing stolen animals.


Rescue Ink members like to stay within legal parameters, but they do not mind overstepping police jurisdiction to ensure the safety of an animal. They not only rehabilitate animals but also give a stern tough talk to their abusers. It’s no wonder that their name alone induces fear among these abusive monsters.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RescueInk Videos Channel via YouTube Video


Rescue Ink has saved a wide range of animals, including horses, pigs, fish, chickens, ducklings, and even a boa constrictor. Their goal is to be defenders for every helpless creature in need of help.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: RescueInk Videos Channel via YouTube Video


In the heartbreaking video below, we see Rescue Ink’s headquarters after Hurricane Sandy. The bikers do not cease working until every creature in the region has been rescued. These tattooed animal fighters truly deserve our admiration!

Watch the gripping video below!

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