Sausage dog gives birth to record-breaking number of puppies

A sausage dog has given birth to what could be a world record litter of 11 puppies.

Three-year-old Winnie gave birth to the brood at home near Leicester last month.

It seems Dachshunds are known for their large litters as another dachshund, Cheesecake, gave birth to 10 puppies in September 2021 and made headline news.

However, little Winnie has now beaten that number and her owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record. It’s understood Guinness World Records does not keep records for individual dog breeds but the largest litter of puppies ever is 24, all of whom were born on November 29, 2004 to Tia, a Neapolitan mastiff, in the UK.


EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jones from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last month (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.
The full litter(Credits: Emma Trimble / SWNS)

Stay-at-home dog mum Rayma said of her dog’s litter: ‘I was amazed [by the litter]. I just kept counting them over and over.

‘I was so surprised that I kept expecting her to pop out another one when I wasn’t looking. She’s such a great mum. I’m overwhelmed that she could have had a world record number of puppies.

‘I looked online and I couldn’t believe it. Winnie’s a natural. She even has ten nipples so she can nearly feed them all at the same time – it’s very sweet to watch. She never wants to leave them, and if she hears another dog she’s right there next to them.

‘She’s the best mum ever.’

Winnie was bought by Rayma’s family aged seven months, when her first owners were moving abroad.

EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jones from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last month (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.
Look at those faces (Credits: Emma Trimble / SWNS)

Rayma then decided that Winnie was ready to be a mum and so, she went on the hunt for a dad around three months ago. A scan at 35 days of the nine-week pregnancy showed six puppies in Winnie’s belly which is at the higher scale of the average dachshund litter.


Rayma knew it was time for Winnie to give birth when she started digging and stamping about on her bed on September 5 – five days before her pups were due. Rayma set an alarm to check her pet in the middle of the night when she went to bed but then heard a squeaking noise coming from the spare room at 11:30pm. Winnie had birthed her first pup, so Rayma sat up with her.

The second came at 1:30am on September 6, followed by four more, 20 minutes apart.

EMBARGOED UNTIL 14.00HRS BST / OCTOBER 10, 2023 Rayma Jones from Leicestershire with Winnie, aged 3, her dachshund, who gave birth to 11 puppies. Here they are at 4 weeks old. October 4, 2023. See SWNS story SWSYpuppies. A dachshund has given birth to what could be a world record litter - of 11 puppies. Three-year-old Winnie bore the huge brood at home near Leicester last month (6/9). The average number of puppies in a dachshund litter is between one and six, due to their small size. Sausage dog Cheesecake gave birth to 10 in September 2021 - which made headline news. But Winnie has now beaten that number - and owner Rayma Jones, 23, thinks it may be a world record.
Rayma and the pups (Credits: Emma Trimble / SWNS)

Numbers seven, eight and nine then came around seven minutes apart, followed by a 40-minute gap until number 10.

Rayma went to bed at 6:30 am believing Winnie had all her pups. Yet, when she checked in on her four hours later, she was met with a surprise. .

She said: ‘I thought 10 was amazing. She’d stopped panting and lay down feeding them. I really thought she’d finished. When I came back I counted them and there were 11. There was no mess, she’d just washed it and lined it up with the others. She’s so clever.’

The puppies will be ready to leave mum after they turn eight weeks old and Rayma plans to sell them, but is unsure of the price she will set right now.

She joked: ‘I can’t live with 11 puppies or I’ll become a crazy dog lady.’



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