When you realize your dog has been quiet for a long time…

Everyone who has a puppy at home knows that they are those special beings willing to fill our days with games and mischief.

They often leave us with a permanent smile when we see them act in such a unique and special way.

However, we cannot deny that not all antics are overflowing with tenderness, there are some that can be so grotesque that, if not seen well, they can give us a heart attack.

Like a bloodied, lifeless puppy on the floor!! It’s heartbreaking right!

If you still doubt it, we introduce you to Candy and Gody, two puppies that seem to have the perfect balance, to reveal to us how different they can be from each other.

Candy is a calm dog full of canine wisdom, but his little brother Gody seems to have no limits and loves to get into trouble.

The fake crime scene quickly went viral.

Recently, the naughty Gody made a joke leaving a terrible scene.

Which looks like something out of a horror movie; at first glance, it looks like he was dying after being attacked by some wild animal or some unscrupulous being.

But in truth, this adorable pup was delighted with a huge feast of dragon fruit, and it appeared to be bleeding to death.

The photographs nearly gave every dog ​​lover a heart attack.

After filling his belly, Gody decided to “pass out” on his back while his front two little legs were raised in the air.

The position in which the puppy was resting after lunch, at first glance, gives the impression of a bloody crime scene.

His owner published some pictures of Gody licking his “bruises”.

Sticking his little tongue out to let everyone know he was okay, and that what looked like blood was actually berries.

When her owner walked into the kitchen and saw her mischievous little dog, she couldn’t help but be amazed.

Fortunately, Gody was just resting with a full stomach.

Lisa decided to pick it up to clean it up and the fake crime scene as well, leaving no trace of the mischief.

Lisa Giovannini-Melby owns it, she comments:

“Not only does he feel no shame, he will do it again at the first opportunity”.

The images were posted on Lisa’s Facebook account, for a moment it made thousands of hearts sad, but after explaining her pup’s antics by eating too much dragon fruit, users agreed on how terribly cute he is.

After all, there was only one very satisfied pup and photos from a scene to remind us that all is not what it seems.

Do not hesitate to share this note in your networks, so that more people can enjoy a tragic scene that is really a sweet joke.
How cute!! These puppies are really up to no good, but it’s a life that matters and we love it precisely because of the shenanigans and joys they give us. (Márcia Schmian)

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