Sick Puppy Rescued From Graveyard Had An Emotional Reunion With His Rescuers

When the workers at cemetery in Missouri so a shadow moving in night, they were not very afraid as they knew that dogs usually come there. After taking a closer look, they found a tiny stray pup, who was barely able to walk as his paws were too raw his fur was almost missing.

So, they called Stray Rescue of St. Louis’ experts for help. The chief life-saving officer at the Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Donna Lochmann, came together with the cemetery employees to catch the pup. They started searching trying to locate it.

And they finally found it resting under a bush. After picking up the puppy, that was named Kamper, Lochmann took him to a veterinarian to treat his paws and skin. After treating Kamper, he was taken back to the cemetery to visit his rescuers.

Lochmann said that the visit was very emotional for everyone as the puppy directly ran to his rescuers and licked them one by one. Lochmann and co-workers then took Kamper back to the shelter to continue his treatment. He was then taken to a doctor’s family’s home where he received medicated paths and spent time with other dogs.

Everything went great for him as he was completely healed. He was then fostered by a kind family till the rescuers find him a forever home. What a happy ending!

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