Stray Who’d Nearly Scratched Herself To Death Seen From Behind

Animal Aid Unlimited was informed about a street dog who had an awful case of mange. The dog looked terrified and miserable, and it was clear that she didn’t have much time left.

They took the poor dog to the vet immediately because she had nearly scratched herself raw due to a skin condition.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Credit Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


Her wounds due to the itching were now infested with maggots, so they applied a powder to kill and remove them first.

As unsure as she was, the sweet dog cooperated as they worked to save her life. Her recovery would require lots of skin cream and plenty of food, water, and rest.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Credit Source: Animal Aid Unlimited, India via YouTube Video


And you’re going to have a hard time believing this is the same dog! After all of the necessary care and love, Nellie Belle made an amazing transformation back to a healthy and happy pooch.

See just how good she looks now in the video below! ????

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