Sweet Old Dog Spent Her Life Chained To A Wall & Was Never Even Given A Name

A dog, who we’ve now named Maria, spent years chained to an exterior wall. The only “shelter” she had was a filthy shed located in a yard filled with machinery and tractor wheels.

Thankfully, Viktor Larkhill and his team of rescuers were notified of the situation. Unfortunately, when they arrived it was even worse than anticipated.

Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Viktor Larkhill Channel via YouTube Video


The dog was neglected for years, covered in filth and mats. She was also malnourished and had an untreated tumor on her back end. Even worse, her family didn’t even bother giving her a name.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: Viktor Larkhill Channel via YouTube Video


When she saw rescuers, it looked like a sense of relief came over her. She had been yearning for love and attention for so long that she practically clawed Larkhill’s hands out of desperation. Her paw stretched out and sought contact with Larkhill’s hand.

They brought her to the veterinarian’s office for grooming and inspection. They got rid of the tumor and treated her for any illnesses she might have had. Today, Maria has an excellent new lease on life. She is in great shape and enjoys her second chance at life.


Watch her AMAZING story in the video below!

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