The funny actions of the “stupid” horse Tango have attracted the eyes of millions of people on the online community .(video). Lien


The story of the stupid horse Tango went viral on Twitter


When it comes to smart and majestic creatures, we can not forget to mention horses. They are the best animals who have remained faithful to humans for a long time now. And the relationship between horses and humans is constantly growing over the years. But in fact, there is always exception. Not every horse is intelligent and noble as we think about.

Meet Tango, the “world’s stupidest” horse, who is taking the Internet by storm thanks to his antics and silliness. He went viral after Twitter user @mckellogs posted a thread, portraying the way their family prepared for the snowmageddon in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere. And their horse Tango is not the smartest animal in the barn, so he needs ​the most attention whenever the winter starts. If you want to know why, scroll down to check out!

A Twitter user named @mckellogs informed followers about her family’s horse, Tango, ahead of a snow storm that was set to hit North Carolina.  The unnamed woman’s tweet explained why Tango was the focus of an impending snow storm because apparently the horse has no clue how to use a barn to stay warm during the winter.

She wrote that her dad built a gate to attach to the barn so he could lure the horse into the barn. However the horse is too stupid to understand a barn and it refuses to go in  and instead stands in the snow. To prove that point, the Twitter user shared pictures of Tango from last year’s winter season.

“Look at him last year,” the woman wrote. “He had a completely dry, warm barn with hay and feed and here he is, in the middle of the pasture, doing the stupid horse version of the This Is Fine dog.”


Not only is it fun there, Tango also has an interesting way of sleeping that everyone who looks at it has to laugh. This makes people around who pass by the horse also believe that it is ᴅᴇᴀᴅ, not sleeping. Tango’s way of sleeping made it a star on Google Maps, where the horse was repeatedly seen as ᴅᴇᴀᴅ.


Despite being silly and stupid, he still looks cute and sweet. He has inspired a set of viral and hilarious Twitter posts. We are sure that you will have a good laugh after seeing these posts.


If you love this post and Tango the horse, please share his hilarious Twitter posts with your friends and family members to make their day brighter!


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