Puppy Thrown From Car In A Bag Worked Her Way Out To Sit ‘Cornered’ By Traffic

As cars whizzed by, a terrified puppy crouched in the corner of the road after she was discarded out of a car. The family that had professed to love her intended for her to end up over the bridge and plummet into the ravine. However, fatefully hitting a guardrail midair changed this course, allowing her just enough time to burst from within the bag and dash across traffic with remarkable agility.

Trembling with fear, the three-month-old pup thought she was all alone in this world. Fortunately for her, unknown to her, help was right around the corner.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo – YouTube


Prue, from Mission Paws’ible, encountered the scared pup with a deer-in-the headlights look. Despite treacherous traffic conditions she managed to make her way over and saw that it was barking out of fright. It wasn’t until Prue returned with lasagna in hand that they both shared a connection and began bonding.

Source (Screenshot) credit: The Dodo – YouTube


Prue and Ellie’s newfound trust was the tipping point. Now, they could escape from this alarming experience to a secure location. Prue already had multiple dogs at home, plus every clinic was shut currently so she contacted a pal for help. They both decided to temporarily foster Ellie until an everlasting residence would be discovered.

When Maria arrived, it was as if Ellie had been waiting for her! Now this special pup has a loving mom and home where she is spoiled like the princess that she truly is.

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