Twin Sisters Were Adopted by Different Families as Toddlers — Now They’re Both Graduating as Valedictorians!

Gracie Rainsberry recently traveled to Wisconsin to see Audrey Doering’s big day – and her twin will soon do the same

Congrats, grads! Audrey and Gracie, twin sisters who were separated as toddlers in China and met for the first time on @GMA

Audrey Doering and Gracie Rainsberry, who met on Good Morning America in 2017, returned on Wednesday, May 22 to discuss their upcoming graduations. PHOTO: GOOD MORNING AMERICA/X


Twin sisters who were separated shortly after birth, and reunited for the first in 2017, are now graduating from separate high schools — and are both valedictorians of their respective classes!

Gracie Rainsberry recently traveled from Washington to Wisconsin to see her sister’s graduation, and soon, Audrey Doering will visit Washington in support of her twin, according to Good Morning America — the program where the sisters, now 18, met for the first time.

“I’m so glad that I was able to just go down and be with Audrey on her special day,” Gracie said on the May 22 episode of the morning show.


Gracie and Audrey were 11 years old when they reunited on GMA . The two had been separated as toddlers in China and were adopted by two different American families in 2007, when the girls were 15 months old.

Since then, Gracie has grown up in Washington, while her sister Audrey was raised in Wisconsin.

After the meeting, Gracie and Audrey began talking with each other “at least every other day.” They also met up multiple times, including for their birthday.

“The best thing is we get to spend time together and we get to know each other,” Audrey told GMA in 2018.

The last seven years have been filled with new experiences and firsts for the twins. Audrey said it is exciting to “experience little bits of our lives together” while seeing just how much each of them has matured, and “how we’re still very similar.”

The next stop on the twins’ journey is college, which will take them to opposite sides of the country. Audrey will attend Vanderbilt University in Nashville while Gracie will study at Eastern Oregon University in La Grande, where she was recruited to play soccer.

Audrey hopes to attend medical school after getting her Bachelor’s degree. Both girls are interested in medicine, and share a love for the ABC drama Grey’s Anatomy.

Both Gracie and Aubry are looking forward to the independence they will gain from going to school in another state. “I’m kind of just ready to be on my own,” Gracie said on GMA. “I mean, every 18 year old is. I’m just excited to explore my career and all that.”

Added Audrey, “I’m just excited to explore all my different options … there’s so many amazing opportunities, so I’m just excited to take advantage of everything.”

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