Heartbreaking Final Moments Of Legendary actor Sylvester Stallone — cause of death is hidden!

Did Sylvester Stallone Just Die Suddenly In Hospital?!


Truth : Sylvester Stallone Did Not Die Suddenly Anywhere!

This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created and propagated by people to generate income from page views and YouTube advertising, and here are the reasons why…

Fact #1 : Sylvester Stallone Is Still Alive + Well!

Hollywood legend, Sylvester Stallone (born Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone on July 6, 1946), is still very much alive and well, as of 26 January 2024.

For those who readily believe claims that Sylvester Stallone has died without even asking for evidence, here are some recent “proof of life”…

On 18 January 2024, Syl Stallone posted on his official Instagram account about the upcoming second season of his reality TV show – The Family Stallone.

Just last month, Sylvester Stallone posted a video of himself on 13 December 2023, speaking about never giving up when the time gets tough.

As you can see, Sly Stallone is still very much alive and well, even regularly keeping in shape in his gym – weeks and months after these fake YouTube videos claimed that he died in a hospital, at home, or even on the street!


Fact #2 : No Legitimate Media Outlet Reported His Death

These YouTube videos have been circulating for weeks and months, but people don’t seem to notice that no legitimate media has reported his death.

Sylvester Stallone is a Hollywood icon, starring in the Rocky and Rambo movies, as well as more recently, The Expendables movies.

No legitimate media outlet reported that Sylvester Stallone was sick, much less died suddenly in a hospital!

If Sylvester Stallone did indeed die, the worldwide media would have reported on his death. Yet, no one but small YouTube and TikTok channels picked up on his tragic death? That’s because it never happened.

Fact #3 : The Photos Were Edited

The photos used in these videos were edited from real photos, with some celebrities added in to make it look genuine. In this example, the fake news creator added Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis.

The actual photo is of the February 2019 funeral of Argentinian footballer, Emiliano Sala, who died in a plane crash off Alderney on 21 January 2019.

The photo was taken by Associated Press, and shows Nantes defender Nicolas Pallois and Emiliano Sala’s brother, Dario, helping to carry his coffin at his funeral on 19 February 2019.

Did Sylvester Stallone Just Die Suddenly In Hospital?!


Did Sylvester Stallone Just Die Suddenly In Hospital?!


Even when it comes to the really good photo-editing efforts, there are still some clues to show you that these were edited images.

In this example, you can see that Sylvester Stallone’s chin appeared to be cut out. More damning is pillow which had a Queensland Health logo on it.

Unless Sylvester Stallone happened to be filming in Queensland, Australia; there is no way he would end up being treated in its hospital!

Did Sylvester Stallone Just Die Suddenly In Hospital?!

Fact #4 : Sylvester Stallone Death Hoax Is Driven By Fake Fact Check Too

This Sylvester Stallone death hoax is, ironically, also being driven by a fact check article by the MediaMass Project.


Their claim of a viral R.I.P. Sylvester Stallone Facebook page is false. There is no such Facebook page. It is their standard fake fact check spiel for fake celebrity deaths.

The statement from Sylvester Stallone’s unnamed rep confirming that he is not dead is exactly the same as statements from other reps of celebrities MediaMass claimed were victims of death



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Hidden in the description page for the MediaMass Project is a disclaimer that they are a “satire” website. That’s the usual “cover” for websites peddling fake news.

Regardless of their reasons, anything posted by MediaMass.net must be considered as fake news, until proven otherwise.


Did Sylvester Stallone Just Die Suddenly In Hospital?!


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