Blind Dog Hangs His Head In ‘Shame’ After Being Dumped In A Junkyard By His Owner

Two-year-old Bo is an Azores Cattle Dog who was abandoned by his owner and left in a deserted industrial junkyard. The frightening experience caused poor Bo to enter into shock, which then led him to mentally shut himself off from the world.

For the following 7-months, he sought food in rubbish bins near a carwash and slept on a bed of shredded metal fragments at the junkyard.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: MightyMuttsTraining via YouTube Video

Eventually, some visitors at the car wash spotted Bo and informed the tight-knit local dog rescuers’ community. A team of rescuers immediately worked out a plan to reach out to the skittish dog. However, Bo did everything in his power to stay away from humans.

The rescuers began leaving their belongings at the junkyard to make Bo familiar with their scent. They were worried as the skinny dog was visibly starving and eating inorganic trash to quell his hunger. Another major issue was the consistently dropping temperatures, and that was making survival harder for Bo.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: MightyMuttsTraining via YouTube Video


After taking turns during night shifts, the rescuers eventually managed to trap Bo in a cage and whisk him away to a warm shelter.

But their hearts were shattered when they learned that the discarded dog was almost completely blind.


Image (Screenshot)/Story Video Source Credit: MightyMuttsTraining via YouTube Video


Bo’s broken spirit was gradually revived as he received the love and care that he had been craving for all this time. One of the vet staff who tended to him fell in love with his gentle and well-mannered ways, and ended up adopting him!

Bo is a cherished and pampered dog now, and his favorite thing in the world is his soft, cozy (also, metal-free) bed!

Click the video below to watch Bo’s heart-wrenching rescue after he was shamelessly dumped at the junkyard.

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