Woman Serenades Her Dog With A Beautiful Christmas Tune

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to spend with loved ones. And as dog owners, we consider our furry friends to be part of the family. It’s a time we can set aside our worries and problems for a bit and just focus on the things that matter most in life. It’s truly a magical feeling to be able to fully get into the holiday spirit.

Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Daniela Andrade via YouTube Video


Daniela Andrade sits down with her guitar and starts singing “Christmas Time Is Here.” Her dog, Dina, just sits and watches intently as Mom serenades her with the beautiful song.


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Daniela Andrade via YouTube Video


The video and sound are top notch, and it makes for an overall production that’s incredibly well done. It doesn’t get much more magical than this. And the dog’s reaction to it all makes it even better!


Image/Story (Screenshot) Credit: Daniela Andrade via YouTube Video


Sit back, watch, listen, and get lost in this peaceful Christmas video. If this doesn’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, you may want to get your holiday spirit checked.

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