The dog has the most beautiful eyes!

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and if it’s true we know this dog has the most beautiful soul of all.

The internet has fallen in love with a cocker spaniel named Winnie, who has such pretty eyes people have compared her to a Disney princess:


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Most dogs are irresistibly cute already, but there’s something extra special about Winnie.

Imagine those looking up at you at the dinner table. Who could say no to that face? No one.



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Bài viết do The Life Of Winnie 🐾 (@winnie_thecocker) chia sẻ

Clearly people everywhere have fallen for this photogenic puppy: at less than three months old, she already has over 71,000 followers on Instagram and has gotten over 2 million likes on TikTok.

The English cocker spaniel was born on October 28, 2019. It was clear pretty early on that she had extra special “puppy eyes.”


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Bài viết do The Life Of Winnie 🐾 (@winnie_thecocker) chia sẻ

More pictures of Winnie, please.


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Bài viết do The Life Of Winnie 🐾 (@winnie_thecocker) chia sẻ


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