Woman Kissed Him And Said ‘You’re Far From Alone’ As Unwanted Pit Fought To Survive

A local rescue found a Pit Bull named Thor, who had been neglected and left in an open garage during a blizzard. Despite the fact that Thor was now secure, his body had suffered significant harm. His organs had shut down due to hypothermia, and he was fighting fiercely to live.

Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

To the rescuers, the vet was straightforward: “We can’t promise he’ll survive.”

That itself broke their hearts, as this dog was fighting so hard to live. It didn’t matter now that he had recovered and was given medical treatment. Thor’s future was still uncertain. The veterinarian informed us that Thor’s health would be touch and go. And, yes, it was.

Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Every day, the rescuers went to Thor and told him, “You are not alone.” Thor began to trust them. Especially as one of the rescuers sobbed loudly and kissed his head. He required a feeding tube, IV therapy, and a lot of loving care. His new human friends offered up their prayers round the clock for him.

Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Because of the deficiency, Thor was also severely anemic. He was never given enough food and needed blood transfusions as a result. After his first infusion, Thor began to perk up somewhat. The rescuers were ecstatic! They kept saying, We knew you could do it, Thor. Their encouraging words stayed with him and he continued to improve!


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


While Thor continued to heal, the rescue group shared his photos online. A woman named Patricia saw Thor’s picture and it was love at first sight. She called the group together and announced that she and her spouse were seeking a canine sibling for their dog, Thor.


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Within a few weeks, Thor was able to leave the clinic and return home to his forever family. He met his future parents and their dog Rizzo. The two puppies quickly formed an attachment. They were soon completely inseparable.


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


Thor’s health kept improving. He began to put on weight. Patricia was now seeing a different dog—Thor learned what it was like to be cared for inside of a home. This is when his real personality revealed itself. His mother claims that he is the most adorable puppy she has ever seen in the video below.


Image/Story Source Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


It’s incredible how a dog can endure so much and yet continue to fight. He was mistreated by his owner, but he adores people so very much. Thor has at long last been given the life he has always deserved. To view Thor’s rescue and progress, scroll down a little bit. Thank you to The Dodo for sharing Thor’s amazing tale with us all!


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